Expert Cannabis Market and Regulatory Research


Dr. Davenport has been working with emerging cannabis policy since 2013.

His training is founded on the combination of academic study and experience managing research projects for innovative cannabis policymakers in Washington State, Jamaica, and an Indian tribe; and contributing to research for the White House, UNODC, Canada, and other public and private clients.

Aperture Research was founded to support independent and client-supported research into cannabis use, policy, and market behavior. A changing aperture emphasizes different aspects of an image. Wide apertures welcome illumination and emphasize context; narrow apertures offer sharp detail and contrast.

The work includes holistic cannabis legal and regulatory analysis; estimating market phenomena such as latent demand, cost drivers, price trends, and firm revenue; and technical tasks such as spreadsheet modeling, statistical modeling, and simulation.

Cannabis Demand Estimates


Notable Clients


White House Office of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP)

In 2019, ONDCP commissioned RAND to produce estimates for the size of various illicit drug markets. As a RAND researcher, Dr. Davenport led analysis for the chapter on cannabis market size estimates (2000-2016).


National Academy of Sciences

Dr. Davenport contributed writing and analysis to the introduction of this report, discussing recent epidemiological trends regarding cannabis use in the United States.

UNODC WDR logo 2016

United Nations Office of Drugs and Crime (UNODC)

Dr. Davenport co-authored the chapter on cannabis for the 2016 version of the World Drug Report, published by the UNODC.